University General Requirements Unit: English

English 3 Courseware Evaluation - Fall 1996

Students' Questionnaire

The reason for this questionnaire is to ask for your opinions about the computer component of the UGRU English 3 course. Your comments will help us to better understand the way the computer can be used in your classes.

Firstly, please indicate with a tick the year you started in the UGRU English programme:

PART A - The computer materials

Directions: In column 1, please identify with a tick the programs you have used. In columns 2,3,4 and 5, please tick the appropriate answer for the programs you used.

Program 12345
 Which Programs have you used?Did you like it?Who chose it?What was it like?Did the program help you to learn?
 Please tickYesNo Teacher You EasyDifficultYesYes
 Mouse Practice         
 Process 1         
 Microsoft Works         
 Microsoft Works         
 Messaging Utility         

PART B - Attitudes towards Computer Assisted Language Learning in English 3

Directions: Read the following sentences and indicate your opinion with a tick in the appropriate box(es). You can choose more than one answer for each question.

1. The computer programs:

2. Using the computer:

3. I like:

4. When I do not understand the computer activity:

5. I prefer to work on the computer:

6. The computer sessions are:

7. I know how to use the computer to help me learn English.

PART C - Further comments

Directions: Please use the space below to write any other comments you wish to make about using the computer to learn English in the English 3 course. You can write in English or Arabic.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.

Clair Stuart

Phillip Towndrow

© United Arab Emirates University, 1996.