Appendix A

If you are an English student in China, this is for you!

Online Survey

Directions: Below are some statements about English writing in traditional composition course(pretest)/in computer-assisted writing(posttest). There are no right or wrong answers to these statements. Please indicate the degree to which each statement applies to you by clicking the numbers. While some of the statements may seem repetitious, please take your time and try to be as honest as possible. Thank you for your cooperation.


5 - Strongly Agree

4 - Agree

3 - Undecided

2 - Disagree

1 - Strongly Disagree


1. I never feel sure when I'm asked to write a composition in class.

2. I always avoid writing in English.

3. I have no fear of my English writing being evaluated.

4. I look forward to writing down my ideas in English........................................

5. I am afraid of writing essays in class when I know they will be evaluated.

6. Handing in a composition in English makes me feel good.

7. My mind seems to go blank when I start to work on an English composition in class.

8. I would enjoy submitting my writing to foreign teachers for evaluation.

9. I like to write my ideas down in English composition class.

10. In class, I may get nervous because of the fear of lacking enough time.

11. I feel confident in my ability to clearly express my ideas in English writing.

12. I am afraid that others won't understand my English writings.

13. I like to have others read what I've written in class.

14.People seem to enjoy my English writing.

15. I am nervous about English writing in class.

16. I never seem to be able to clearly write down my ideas in English.

17.Writing in English is a lot of fun to me.

18. I expect to do poorly in English composition classes even before I enter them.

19. I like seeing my thoughts on paper.

20.Discussing my English writing with others is an enjoyable experience.

21. I have a terrible time organizing my ideas in an English composition course.

22. It is easy for me to write good English composition.

23.When I hand in my English composition, I know I've done poorly.

24. I don't think I write as well as most other people in class.

25. I am sure that I am good at English writing.

26. I don't like my English compositions to be evaluated.

27. I've never felt pressed by others when I write English composition in class.

28. I'm no good at English writing.

29. When I'm writing English in class, I'm afraid of being monitored by teachers.

30. I think that my English is too poor to write a good composition.

31. In my opinion, the grammar rules make me tired of English writing.

32.Writing in English is less important than speaking in English.

Please save it, then exit and return this survey as email attachment to:

Miss Alexandra or save it to Shen Jun in XZ's chatroom.

If you are interested in this research, please email Miss Alexandra Shen.