Appendix C

Interview questions & answers

For Jennifer:

1. Before u wrote with computer, were u afraid of peer pressure or time pressure? How about in the lab and after writing in lab?

2. Were u sure of your ability in expressing yourself clearly in English before? How about after u have written with computer for 2 or 3 months?

3. Did u benefit from writing with computer? If do, what's that?

For Agnes:

1. Do u think u are to some degree free from time pressure and peer pressure in writing class now? Is it due to the use of computer? Or other things?

2. In your answers sometimes u are good at English writing, but sometimes not. I am rather confused, so would u please tell me what are some differences of attitude to your writing ability between writing in traditional class and in lab?

3. What are some different influences on English writing in traditional class from that in computer lab?

For Frank:

* Before u took part in the cities project, your mind would go blank in composition class sometimes. But now it changes, so please tell me what do u think makes the change?

* In the past, sometimes u would feel nervous or pressed by the limited time, peer pressure or teacher control. However, now u feel less of them and become more self-confident. I am glad that computers can help u in these ways. Therefore, would u please tell me why? The atmosphere? The freedom?

* What do u think u have got from the writing experience with computers and key-pals?

For Liz

* From your answers I got the impression that computers have made u more confident in English writing, so can u tell me in what way it helps u? Less time pressure and less peer pressure? Anything else?

* You have changed your attitude towards writing in English, why u have got the positive attitudes to it with the computer?

* In your answers there is one contradiction, so do you really be afraid of your writing being evaluated or really not? Why or why not then?