Submission Guidelines

  • All submissions should be original and duplicate submission is not acceptable.
  • All submissions should not be similar to current published papers.
  • All submissions should be in English. In the future we hope to be able to accept submissions in Japanese and perhaps other languages.
  • All submissions should conform to APA (American Psychological Association, 7th Edition) guidelines. For example, check the 7th ed. Reference Quick Guide or consult Purdue OWL APA General Guidelines.
  • All submissions should be in Microsoft Word .doc/.docx or RTF format. (not a pdf file)
  • Full length articles should be around 6,000-8,000 words. The abstract should be no more than 200 words while the number of the keywords should be within 5 words.
  • Book, software, and courseware reviews should not exceed 3,000 words.
  • All article submissions, correspondence, and a Turnitin or similar plagiarism report (less than 15% is required) along with the original paper should be sent to the editor:
  • All manuscripts go through a two-step review process: (1) internal review by the editors to see if each manuscript is of sufficient quality to merit external review; and then (2) external review by the editorial board members and/or reviewers to make a recommendation (accept as is, accept pending changes, revise and resubmit, or reject).
  • The editors of CALL-EJ reserve the right to make editorial changes to manuscripts accepted for publication for the sake of style or clarity.

Book/Software Review Policy

  • CALL-EJ welcomes book/software reviews and review essays of scholarly works dealing with English teaching, applied linguistics, second language acquisition, language assessment, applied linguistics, or related disciplines in relation with CAI/CMI/CAL/CALL. Anyone interested in reviewing a book/software for CALL-EJ may do so in the following ways:
    1. Choose a recent book/software in the field, write a review of it, and submit it. Or contact the CALL-EJ Editor to check the availability of a book or a software program to be reviewed.
    2. Send a copy of your brief bio as a separate file to CALL-EJ.
  • In all cases, reviews will be evaluated on the basis of the quality of the evaluation and description of the book/software, and the relevance and importance of the book/software to the field.
  • All reviews and its related correspondence should be sent to the editor:

Review Procedures

  • Received manuscripts are first internally reviewed by the editorial committee members within 2-3 weeks of their arrival. If the manuscript(s) need revision, they are sent back to the author(s) in 4-6 weeks to make changes.
  • After the appropriate revisions are complete, resubmitted, and are acceptable, they are transferred to an author-blanked form, and then sent to two or more external reviewers who are experts in their field. These external reviews usually take 4-6 weeks to be completed.
  • After receiving the results from the external reviewers, the editorial committee decides if further revisions are needed, and if the manuscript is deemed acceptable or not for publication.

Copyright Policy

  • Copyright of articles is retained by authors and CALL-EJ. As CALL-EJis an open acces journal, articles are free to use, with proper attribution, in educational and other non-commercial settings. Sources must be acknowledged appropriately.